Laurel Burch Shop

This shop is dedicated solely to the work of Laurel Burch, one of California’s most prodigious and creative artists. This is the only store anywhere that carries all of Laurel’s designs under one roof. Her designs are easily recognized around the world and have been incorporated on clothing, jewelry, paper products, bags and totes, ceramics, textiles, and a score of other products consumers love.
Laurel Burch, who was born with a rare genetic bone disease called osteopetrosis (brittle bone disease), had spent her entire life in and out of hospitals, enduring close to 100 surgeries. Through it all, Ms. Burch said it was her designs, paintings and loyal “kindred spirits,” that sustained her. In that spirit, our Gallerita (Little Gallery) has been dedicated to Laurel and her inspired creations.
Ms. Burch began making and selling her jewelry in the late 60’s, in Haight Ashbury in San Francisco. She is best known for her beautifully stylized animal and bird designs in brilliant jewel-like colors. Ms. Burch has personally signed each piece. She said, “The whole purpose of my art is to express beauty and meaning, and most of all, connect people to one another in special ways.”
Over the course of her career she expanded into many other areas and became one of California’s and America’s outstanding artists. A sampling of her items sold at the Bazaar del Mundo includes luxurious silk scarves in vibrant colors, ceramic mugs, tote bags of brightly screened painted canvas, journals, clothing items, leather purses, and enamel jewelry.
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)