Celebrate Diane Powers’ Bazaar del Mundo’s 50th Anniversary in Old Town

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  • Celebrate Diane Powers’ Bazaar del Mundo’s 50th Anniversary in Old Town
Experience Authentic Folk Art, Live Entertainment, Crafts and More Nov. 4-7

D iane Powers’ popular Bazaar del Mundo Shops in Old Town are gearing up to celebrate its 50-year anniversary. Opened in 1971, Powers created a unique shopping and dining experience in San Diego that continues to attract thousands of visitors to the historical Old Town State Park every year.

Guest are invited to celebrate the 50-year anniversary at “Bazaar del Mundo’s 50th Anniversary Fiesta & Marketplace” that will begin on November 4, Thursday at 11 a.m. with a kickoff celebration at 6 p.m. and continue through Sunday, November 7

The kickoff celebration on Thursday night will include VIP guest, live mariachi, Folklorico dancers and longtime Bazaar del Mundo favorite TINKU (a Latin American folk band), birthday treats and other special surprises.
November 4-6 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and November 7, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., guests can enjoy a lively marketplace filled with colorful and elaborately decorated booths and a showcase of authentic handcrafted art, crafts, jewelry, vibrant Mexican clothing and more. Entertainment will also be performing throughout the marketplace at set times.
Visiting artist will include Bazaar del Mundo favorites, Mata Ortiz pottery, Jacobo Angeles Oaxacan wood carvings, Oaxacan weavers and other local artists. Live demonstrations by artists will showcase traditional skills, such as woodcarving, painting and weaving.

Additional artist will include:

Pedro Montaño: Oaxacan weaver from Teotitlan del Valle showcasing marvelous wool rugs and runners in both traditional and contemporary Mexican designs and performing demonstrations on handmade looms.
Alessandra Thornton: An Ecuadoran Tagua jewelry designer showcasing her handmade pieces that are all created ecofriendly and vegan.
Gerardo Ortega Lopez: Gerardo’s bright and whimsical figures of clay include recognizable depictions of colorfully painted roosters riding bicycles, cats and dogs driving cars, and more.
Sara Yunuen Gutierrez Garcia: Sara brings with her a beautiful selection of hand-embroidered, traditional clothing from Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca.
I nside the colorful stores, shelves will be brimming with gifts and goods imported from Mexico and Latin America, as well as a myriad of books on travel, culture, architecture, arts, and crafts.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)