Guatemala Shop

Visiting the Guatemala Shop is like visiting the best markets of every region of Guatemala, with the added pleasure of experiencing pieces from other Central and South American countries. This shop has earned a reputation of presenting the finest traditional Latin American crafts and textiles. Everything is handmade, from one-of-a-kind collectibles, to stylish clothing and children’s toys – all carefully selected.
Among the cultural objects and accessories from Central and South America, are Guatemalan and Peruvian religious pieces in wood, ceramic and paintings. Peruvian retablos, carved gourds, ceramics figures, shawls, weavings, rain sticks, baskets, reverse painted glass mirrors, wooden animals, and other related folk art are also showcased. Informational handouts explain how the highlighted merchandise is selected, its origins and history.
Traditional clothing in festive colors and adorned with embroidery is carefully selected, as well as an extraordinary selection of traditional weavings and textiles.
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)