Looking for Gift Shops and Souvenirs in San Diego??

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Of course you can buy gifts for ourselves as well, no need to wait for others to give us!!

Are you looking to buy something to gift yourself?

O r looking for a souvenir for someone as a token of your love and remembrance??? Don’t you worry … If you are in the city of San Diego, you can just head to Bazaar Del Mundo … and to your amazement, you will be spoilt by the choices the bazaar offers. Situated in the old town, this bazaar is a Pandora’s Box, you will get whatever you are looking for, be it traditional Mexican items or any special art and craft from any part of the world.

Result of Passion of an Art Lover

T he vibrant and festive complex of shops and eateries in the town area of San Diego, the Bazaar Del Mundo was established in 1971 by Diane Powers who herself is an interior designer and the beautifully designed and decorated shops surely shows her love and passion towards the art and craft. With 16 speciality boutiques, 5 world-famous restaurants and a year round festive mood, this bazaar has become one of the favourite and most sought after destinations in the city for more than 40 years now.
As one enters the bazaar, you can see various shops lined along the cobbled streets, each of these shops are jam packed with special souvenirs from any part of the world. One can also enjoy the live Mariachi and folk music along with the shop hopping, until you find what your heart says “this is it!!”
The gift shops are so inviting with twinkling lights and festive atmosphere, they are brimming with fun and colourful stuff like purses, home décor items, pottery, women’s fashion, crafts from local artists, jewellery and accessories, all carefully selected with vibrant colours and festive looks. The bazaar also has many shops which also offer varieties of traditional Mexican dresses made by local artisans to the ones designed by famous designers. The major advantage of these shops is, you will find most of the items are authentic Made in Mexico ones, unlike most of the other places where we get Chinese made stuffs. Also the items are priced very reasonably, so there is something for everyone, from any age group.

A Destination Not To Be Missed

N ot only gift shops, the bazaar also has restaurants which offer a wide range of options to try world-famous Mexican delicacies. Moreover, one can also relax and enjoy the live band while sipping a cup of coffee or reading a newspaper. The Bazaar del Mundo is definitely a place to visit whether one is looking for options of gifts and souvenirs or some decorative pieces specifically to some festive looks or just to enjoy and relax in a festive atmosphere. Whatever you are looking for you are bound to find it here as per your taste and budget. So, if you are in San Diego, don’t miss visit this bazaar … or else you will definitely regret missing it!!

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(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)