Making a Difference

Bazaar del Mundo is Making a Difference

In the heart of San Diego there is a special place where you can shop for treasures from around the world and enjoy the taste of authentic Mexican cuisine. Bazaar del Mundo offers a truly unique shopping experience that goes beyond the beautifully colored merchandise. These shops are offering something else, something far more valuable – hope.
At the Kitchen Shop at Bazaar del Mundo, shoppers will find yards and yards of beautiful, colorful fabric. This fabric is used in tablecloths, table runners, napkins and other household linen products. This fabric is special because it is hand-woven in Guatemala. In addition to bringing her shoppers unique and beautiful merchandise, Diane Powers also hopes to bring profitable employment to talented artisans in Central American countries. Currently there are seven families in Central America being sponsored through the items they provide to The Kitchen Shop at Bazaar del Mundo. These products not only benefit the families’ livelihoods, they are of the greatest quality and beauty!
Employment sponsorship is a kind of relief being offered to needy families around the globe. Simply giving money may help to relieve an immediate physical need, but when you offer a person or a family profitable, honorable employment, you are satisfying them on a deeper level. These people, like all of us, want to feel that they are contributing in a worthwhile way. Employment sponsorship fulfills that need. These families can now supply their own physical needs with the money they earn and feel confident that they are taking care of themselves in an honorable way.
In many Central American countries there is a desperate lack of work, which leads many individuals, especially young people, to seek income through illegal activities. Employment sponsorship, like what we provide at Bazaar del Mundo, helps these individuals contribute to society and utilize their own artistic talents in a way that is also profitable for them.
If you are in the San Diego area, stop by and see these amazing products from all over the world being offered at Bazaar del Mundo. Not only do we offer amazing shopping, but you’ll feel good about your purchase.
You can also visit one of our four fine Mexican restaurants throughout the county, including Casa Guadalajara right next door, which provide some of the best tasting dining in San Diego.
Dining San Diego

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)