The Gallery Shop

In the jewelry store San Diego Gallery, shoppers will find exceptional merchandise by skilled artists , including handmade Jewelry, wall art, glass, one-of-a-kind gifts and authentic Native American jewelry.

Jewelry Shop in San Diego

The Jewelry Store in San Diego Gallery features a large collection of Native American Indian jewelry from Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and Santo Domingo tribes. We sponsor an annual event – Santa Fe Marketplace – held every year the third weekend in September – where we invite Native American artists to come and sell their jewelry.
In addition to our Native American Indian jewelry, we have a huge selection of Zuni fetishes. Each fetish is hand carved in a variety of stones including turquoise, amber, glass, jet, Malachite jasper (among others). The fetishes are used to teach Zuni children tribal history and traditions.

The Gallery also features:

Jewelry: museum quality jewelry from artists using stones, silver, fiber, polymer clay, resin, roman glass, lost wax casting, recycled metals and more….
Art glass A longtime secret of Venetian artists, the popularity of art glass rocketed in the 1800s and continues today. The Gallery carries select pieces from an array of gifted glass artists.
Serigraphs This time-honored graphic process requires the artist to intricately carve his work onto a zinc plate – one plate for each color used in the picture. Serigraphs by the renowned John August Swanson can require as many as 52 separate plates to create one limited-edition print like those found in The Gallery. His work is also on display at the Vatican, the Tate Museum in London, the Smithsonian Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
Fimo Clay by Jon Stuart Anderson This artist creates amazing animals from polymer clay using the traditional glassmaking Millefiori method. Colored canes of clay create an illustration roughly the size and shape of a loaf of bread. The central design is repeatedly stretched and cut as other designs are added. Further stretching to the size of a small coin finally reduces the composite image. It is then cut and applied like mosaic tiles to the animal’s form. Jon Anderson is simply the most accomplished polymer artist in the world today. An exceptional combination of artist, botanist, mathematician, zoologist and engineer, Jon has been refining his amazing sculptures for over a decade. He continues to create new images by his own hands in his studio hidden deep in the paradise of Bali, Indonesia.
The Gallery also features Native American Indian crafts from the Hopi, Navajo, Zuni and Santo Domingo tribes, which includes:
The Gallery also carries an ever-changing selection of handmade craft – wood watches, ceramics, hand painted gourds, beautifully tooled leather handbags, recycled cotton socks, sand pictures, glass trays made from liquor bottles – always something different.
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)