Southwest Arts Shop

Bazaar del Mundo is San Diego’s prime destination for authentic and stunning Native American jewelry, colorful collectibles, creative fashions and unique home décor. Shoppers can find art and crafts of different kinds and colors, made of various materials, all with the distinctive, recognizable Native American touch.
In addition to the wares regularly on display at the shops, Bazaar del Mundo brings together dozens of the Southwest’s finest artists each year to celebrate their Native American cultures and showcase their crafts during the Santa Fe Marketplace.
The festival is a colorful outdoor marketplace featuring Navajo, Cherokee, Hopi, Pima, Isleta Pueblo and Santo Domingo Pueblo creations, presented by tribe members, along with other noted Southwestern artists demonstrating and selling their wares. Guests from all across San Diego come to enjoy an unforgettable weekend of exquisite collections of fine jewelry, art, hand woven rugs, Pendleton blankets and more.
Each year features a diverse mix of new and returning artists to the festival. Previous years’ participants include:
  • Federico Jimenez: Renowned Mixtec jewelry artist
  • Jesse Hummingbird: Cherokee printer, graphic artist and commercial illustrator; 1996 I.A.C.A. Artist of the Year
  • Kim Yubeta: Internationally known jewelry artist
  • George Willis: Choctaw jewelry and accessories artist; 2000 I.A.C.A. Artist of the Year
Make a point of visiting the Bazaar del Mundo Shops the next time you’re in San Diego. The sights, sounds, shopping and great dining next door are like nothing else you’ve experienced!
For more information call 619-296-3161

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)